Latest NewsWhat Is The Role Of A Kitchen Designer?

What Is The Role Of A Kitchen Designer?

Are you planning a kitchen renovation in Melbourne? Have you considered engaging an experienced kitchen designer? Kitchens may seem like a simple space but it’s a lot more complicated to design an aesthetically pleasing yet functional space. 

There is a lot going on in a kitchen such as gas lines, electrical conduits, plumbing lines, appliances, lighting, storage, fixtures, and between all this, people need to move around. You can’t just renovate a kitchen without really planning it. However,  a kitchen designer has the training, skills and experience to come up with a functional and beautiful kitchen design. 

In today’s blog post, we will explore the role of a kitchen designer and how you should go about partnering with the right one for you.

What Is the Role of A Kitchen Designer?

If you are renovating your kitchen but your renovation only involves changing the appliances, swapping the cabinets, and some paintwork, you could probably do it on your own. However, if you are considering a complete redesign and want the kitchen of your dreams that has everything you want with an excellent finish and proper appliances, you really need a kitchen designer. Here is what a kitchen designer can do for you:

1). Take Responsibility

A professional kitchen designer takes responsibility for all aspects of your kitchen renovation project. They have existing relationships with contractors and vendors which means they will deal with tradespeople, vendors, and other necessary contacts. Kitchen designers know the right suppliers and have experience in getting things done. You won’t have to worry about taking time off your job to deal with vendors and contractors!

2). Help With Layout

The functionality of your kitchen depends on its layout. The placement of appliances, the sink, countertops, kitchen island, cabinets, and other parts also depends on the layout. A kitchen designer can help you visualise the alternatives that work best for you. They can also help you with materials, colours, storage options, and everything else needed in the kitchen.

Role Of A Kitchen Designe

3). Balance Of Aesthetics And Function

Since kitchen designers have a lot of experience in designing kitchens, they understand how to get the right balance in terms of function, style, and aesthetics. Think of them as interior architects. They will make you aware of various options available within your budget and how to make the best use of available materials, floor space, and design elements. Moreover, they will help you avoid expensive mistakes and try to come up with a kitchen that is as close to your budget as possible.

4). Get Value For Your Money

Experienced kitchen designers are also aware of the real estate marketplace. They know what products and designs are more likely to add value to your property when it comes to resale value. More importantly, they will help you make the right choices in terms of creating a kitchen that is both reliable and durable so that you get your money’s worth.

5). Proper Lighting

Most homeowners don’t really appreciate the role lighting plays in the aesthetics of a kitchen. However, kitchen designers understand the importance of ambient lighting and how it makes a more functional space while also adding to its aesthetics. Designers will work with you and the contractors to make sure proper lighting is chosen and installed in the right manner.

How to Choose the Right Kitchen Designer

Make sure that you choose a kitchen designer that has an eye for detail or existing relationships with tradesmen and suppliers. Here’s what you need to consider when choosing the ideal kitchen designer for your kitchen renovation project:

  • They should have plenty of experience
  • They should have a good network of professional tradespeople and suppliers
  • They should have excellent communication skills
  • They should be transparent in their dealings

Final Thoughts

If you are going for a major kitchen renovation it is highly recommended to engage the services of an experienced kitchen designer. 

An experienced professional will make you aware of all the options available to you in terms of materials, appliances, layouts, lighting fixtures, and other important items. More importantly, they will also manage your kitchen renovation project and help you get the best possible value for your money.

Let’s Talk Kitchens & Interiors has more than 5 decades of experience in kitchen renovation and home improvement projects. Our experts will be more than happy to discuss the details of your kitchen renovation project. 

If you would like further help designing your new kitchen call Let’s Talk Kitchens & Interiors today on (03) 9068 5496 to speak with one of our qualified Interior Designers or book a consultation.

Lets Talk Kitchens & Interiors

Established in 1972 Let’s Talk Kitchens & Interiors is an interior design firm that specializes in the design of domestic interior renovations and the construction and project management of those types of works through to completion.

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